Guarantee Policy
Our sales are guaranteed to satisfy our Customers - that means if the item you purchase fails to match your expectations we will return your money (less shipping and insurance costs) or we will replace the item (your choice, and depending on availability). By "matching your expectations", we mean specifically that we will deliver to you the item you purchased and that, at the time you receive and inspect the item, it must meet your expectations. If the item meets your expectations, you then accept the item and the sale is then complete. If the item does NOT meet your expectations, you can return it to us for a refund or replacement, as appropriate to your preferences and our ability to offer a replacement item.
NOTE: our gurarantee requires that you must return the item in the condition and configuration in which we delivered it to you. You may not disassemble, "test fire", mount scopes, rotate cylinders on revolvers that have not been rotated, or otherwise change in any way, the condition or configuration of the item This guarantee policy assumes that honesty and integrity are as much a part of your moral code as they are ours.
Please note that this is a guarantee to meet your expectations upon receipt and inspection of the purchased item. This is NOT a warranty, such as a manufacturer's warranty, for function, performance, endurance, accuracy or similar product characteristics normally associated with use.